Cars N Coffee Restarted!!!
Saturday, 26 June 2021 we had our first Cars ‘n Coffee since 14 March 2020. The parking lot of Blue Ridge Bagels in Lynchburg was crowded, so there were Porsches scattered all around the building. The bagel shop owners were well prepared for the crowd so the food arrived fast and very delicious. Since this was our first Cars ‘n Coffee in 15 months, there were a large number of Blue Ridge Region members there, 29 in total including four new members, Donovan and Mabel McCorrison with their improved Boxster and Jeff and Jennifer Coston in their beautiful Speed Yellow 2014 C4 Cab. We were a noisy group, but we had a lot to catch up on from the 15 month gap. After about two hours everyone returned to their cars and headed home with the “glad to do it again” feeling. It was nice to see everyone, and enjoy driving our Porsches. Keep an eye on our events for more!