Blue Ridge Blogger – March 29

Welcome to the Blue Ridge PCA Blogger for March 29.
No new members this week.
- Cars and Coffee Martin’s German Cars April 24 Registration not RequiredKeith has arranged for special parking for BRR members. Get there early.
- Blue Ridge Blogger – March 29Welcome to the Blue Ridge PCA Blogger for March 29. Membership No new members this week. Activities Porsche Your next Porsche And if you are on a budget Stories
- The Car That Would Not LoseDave Snow’s car, the “Snowmobile” overcomes disappointment to win a Chairman’s Award at The Resort at Glade Springs in West Virginia.
- 2nd Annual Gary Bell Rally April 10th BRR Must Register by April 5THis will be a blast. Be sure to sign up early.
Your next Porsche

And if you are on a budget

- Street Survival – Safer Young DriversThe basic Drivers Education schools that all young drivers attend are designed to teach truly basic skills to get started with driving. This gets the students to the point where they can obtain their driver’s license. There is much more to learn about driving and dealing with a variety of situations on the road. The… Read more: Street Survival – Safer Young Drivers