Blog 6/5/2023

This year, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Porsche 911, a car that has defined and redefined what it means to be a sports car since its debut in 1963.

The worlds most highly refined bad idea in automotive history. Unfortunately our customers keep buying them.

Said by the chief engineer at Porsche at a luncheon in Weissach in 1994.

Livestream event: “75 Years of Porsche Sports Cars” anniversary show on 8 June 2023

Porsche is celebrating a success story that is characterized by pioneering spirit, engineering acumen and courage. 75 years ago, Ferry Porsche realized his dream of a sports car. With the Porsche 356 No.1 Roadster, he and his team laid the foundation for the Porsche legend. 

The livestream event will be available at 9:40 pm (CEST) (That is 3:40 pm EST) via the following channels

Porsche Newsroom – // in German and English
Porsche NewsTV – // in German and English
Youtube –
LinkedIn –
Twitch –

Here is some additional information.


Welcome to Robert Mcdonald and his son, Ben of Troutville, Virginia. He drives a Porsche: 2004 911 40th Anniversary Edition.


Blue Ridge Region PCA Events

Feb 8BRR-PCA Cars N Coffee & Planning Meeting - RoanokeThe Green GoatRegister
Mar 12BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Apr 9BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
May 14BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Jun 1BRR-PCA TRSS Volunteer Registration June 1st Salem Civic CenterRegister
Jun 11BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Jul 9BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Aug 13BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Sep 10BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Sep 14BRR-PCA TRSS Volunteer Registration Sept 14th Salem Civic CenterDetails
Oct 8BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Nov 12BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Dec 10BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails

Cars and Coffee

Cars and Coffee – June 10, 2023

All Blue Ridge Region PCA members are invited to attend Cars N Coffee on Saturday June 10, 2023 starting at 10:30am.  Come for great cars and food, but most importantly to socialize with other club members!  What an awesome way to connect with club members and enjoy breakfast.

There is no club cost to attend this event, but members are responsible for their meals and beverages.  Registration is limited to members of the Blue Ridge Region PCA and their family or guest.  Be sure to go all the way through the form and click on the Complete Registration button!

This is a limited capacity event so register early.  A waitlist will be maintained once the event fills to accommodate additional attendees as cancelations occur. 

Acorn Hill Bistro
2134 Old Forest Road
Lynchburg, VA 24501

Back of the Dragon Tour – June 24th

We will gather late Saturday morning, 11 AM, near Marion, VA.  Specific location TBD.

Depart 11:15 for a tour of the Back of the Dragon.

Finish the drive and gather at the Back of the Dragon Welcome Center in Tazewell, VA.

Enjoy a group barbeque lunch at the Welcome Center.

Depart for trip home on your own after lunch.

Figure 1.5 hour drive from Roanoke Valley to Marion, VA.  

One hour tour to Tazewell, and then a 2 hour drive back to the Roanoke Valley.

Event subject to cancellation, with refund, if enough cars are not registered by June 7th.

Some additional information. Dan Dehart wrote:

“I wanted to pass along some information to those Blue Ridge members signing up for the Back of the Dragon drive.  Those that are in no particular hurry to get back home could take in a James Taylor tribute show at the Lincoln Theatre in Marion, (  Bill Griese is billed as the #1 James Taylor tribute artist and is doing his “Sweet Baby James” show at 3:30 and 7:30 at the Lincoln on the 24th, (tickets are available for both shows from $30 – $36).

The murals and the decor of the theatre are unique and an added treat in going to a show.  Should you wish to spend the night The General Francis Marion Hotel is next door to the theatre, (rooms were available starting at $126).”

Trip to Carter’s Store

Yes, in spite of the weather last weekend, a few brave souls went to the Carter’s event. I see no rain drops on their windshields, nor puddles around, so no excuses!

Crank up the volume for this short video.


Created by Roger Penske, Les Richter, and Mike Phelps, the International Race of Champions (IROC) was a North American all-star racing series with well-known drivers from a range of motorsports disciplines, including Indy car, NASCAR, and Formula 1. For the inaugural 1973/74 season, the drivers raced identically prepared Porsche 911 RSRs, of which 15 were built—12 for the drivers and three reserve cars. The RSR was based on the RS 3.0 road car and had a wide body and a fiberglass “whale tail.” This vehicle was driven by New Zealander Denny Hulme, who made a name for himself in F1 and Can-Am racing. Hulme finished 8th in the IROC series that year.

Visit the WE ARE PORSCHE Exhibit and see this beautiful RSR for yourself!


Le Mans 2023

The weigh-in. Race is next weekend!

Click Here for More Pictures

LeMans 1967. Notice the DS19 at the bottom. I had one! Great car.

Hogan’s Corner

In spite of occasional rain and wet conditions, these members’ cars attended the Memorial Day celebration at Carter’s General Store.

Porsche Gone Bad


GT40 Gone Bad at LeMans Click for more

And Finally

This one is Goooooood!