Blog – 2/15/2021

February 15, 2021

The Blue Ridge Blogger

The Blue Ridge Region Welcomes . . . .

New Members . . .

 A little catch up from December when we had six new members!

  • Christopher Deen of Lexington with a 1999 911 Carrera,
  • Larry DeHaven of Fincastle with a 2918 911 Carrera,
  • Paul Phillips of Fincastle with a 2013 911 Carrera S
  • Phil Weeks of Troutville with a 1997 Boxster, 
  • Dennis Weiserbs of Roanoke with a 2015 Cayman S, and
  • Gentry Zentmeyer of Martinsville with a 2007 911 Carrera S.

New Porsche in the family . . . 

David Hay’s new addition to his family, a 1987 Porsche 911 Carrera.  David and his wife, June, live in Forest.

Old Timers Award

Our Old-Timer’s Award goes to Dick and Caryl Hatch.  They joined way back in July 1969 before many of us were born, myself excepted.   

Upcoming Activities

Cars and Coffee

Unfortunately, no Cars and Coffee this month.  We are all hunkered down waiting on our Covid shots.  But people are getting their shots and it won’t be long before we are able to get together again.  Keep an eye out for the next Cars and Coffee.

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   Board Meeting
You are invited to our quarterly Board of Directors Meeting coming up on April 14, 2021 from 5:30PM to 6:30PM.    Because of the Covid-19 virus, this meeting will be held as a Zoom Meeting.  If you want to participate, email Reid Kuder at

   Social Meeting
Due to the Covid virus, we are temporarily curtailing our monthly Social Meetings.   We will advise you when and where they will resume.
What’s Happening with Porsche


So, have you heard about the 48 Hours of Sebring?   No, not the 12 Hours of Sebring.  The 48 Hours!   It is a PCA Club Race weekend.  They have sprints and enduro’s and nighttime racing.  A fun event that I drove in many years ago.   My good friend Ken Hill posted some pictures that he took this past weekend.   Give it a click and enjoy.   Pictures  When  you get to Facebook, be sure to click on the cover photo.  Ken has some great action photos.   And put this event on your docket for next year.   The weather is warm and the event is an excuse to take the drive south.

Is this your next Porsche?

Of course your next Porsche need not be a new one.   Here is a great picture of the 911s over the years.

For the LadiesWomen have dominated headlines across motorsport publications this week, and for some damn good reasons. Countless incredible racers are getting rides in series across the globe, including some names that have been absent from racing for a while or are just making their debut. We’ll run you through some of the biggest moments you need to know about.
It’s Been a Damn Good Week for Women in Motorsports

We have a new edition of Blau Rain produced by our hard working webmaster, Dave Hogan.Click Here to see it!
So, there are many groups out there on Facebook.  I thought I might link to a few from time to time in case I hit on one or two of interest to you.     
Porsche Classified Online Swap

And of course, don’t forget our BRR Facebook page.
BRR-PCA Facebook

There are many interesting things going on out there.  Our PCA has a YouTube channel called Tech Tactics.  They put on periodic live clinics on topics of interest.  And they record them so you do not have to be live to enjoy them.   Take a look.  Porsche Tech Tactics

March – Tech Tactics Live
April – PCA online store
May – news section
June – activities section
July – Treffen program
Aug – Test Tactics
Sept – Parade
Oct – The Mart
Nov – PCA GarageStory

An Invitation to Race at Le Mans (Le Mans Classic) – Continued

“Well, it is a three day event held in July at the Le Mans circuit.   They invite cars from all over to compete in six groups, representing different years/generations of cars.  This car will be in Group I, 1925 to 1935”

 “Each group will compete in four one-hour races.  Teams will be constructed from each of the six groups.  Depending on the horse power and vintage, each car will receive a handicap.  Then they will have one overall winner. “

 “Well, we will have more than one handicap”, I said silently.  So, I wonder what kind of license I would need?   I better come clean here.  “What does it take to get a license to drive a historic race?” I asked.

 My friend explained.  He was thinking about driving as well.  “You go to SCCA and apply for a license.  Go to their driver’s school and get your license. Then they give it to FIA.  FIA looks at your history, your license and then if everything looks correct, give you a FIA Historic license.”  He gave me the name of the SCCA/FIA person responsible for licensing.

 You know, I have been autocrossing, I have been doing Drivers Education for a long time.  And I have been instructing.  I wonder if I could do a Club Race or two and get my PCA license. 

 The next day I gave SCCA a call and found out that I could get a PCA Club Race license and then use that to qualify for a SCCA license.  Or I could go to the SCCA Racing School.  I can do this!  I am psyched. 

 Oh, I just thought about Margaret.  I forgot to ask her.  I need a strategy.  That night I picked up a nice bottle of wine.  After we finished dinner and the wine, I asked her. “Margaret, how would you like to go to Paris for a week!” 

Got a big hug.  “Yes”, she replied.  “How thoughtful you are!”

That was easy.  I’ll mention Le Mans later.   Wonder what other obstacles I face?

The reader should note that I took a little license here.  I am available off line for my version of the true story about Margaret’s comments here.  And for her side, well, you will have to ask her.

To be continued . . . . . .

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A Porsche Gone Bad



And last,
 I got this email today:

“During the Middle Ages, they celebrated the end of the plague with wine and orgies.  Does anyone know if there is anything planned when this one ends?”- – – – –

Our Sponsor of the Week

 Euro Specialty Inc.3346 Shenandoah AveRoanoke, Va. 24017
Tel: 540-343-7955Fax: 540 345-9473

Open Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm 




We are working on a new calendar for 2021.   Stay tuned!