Blog 12/20/2021


New Members

Welcome to Chris Schneider and Tonya Goodwin. Chris has a 2011 Cayman S. They live in Fayetteville, WV. We will have to schedule a Cars and Coffee up at Paint Bank this spring!

Board Meeting

Nothing specifically from the Board meeting other than the final election results. No last minute changes.

Be Part of the Blue Ridge Region Fun!

The winter is a great time to have fun with a focus more on indoor activities and the club is considering two potential events.  The first would be our annual Membership Meeting and New Member Welcoming Social, which could be held in January.  Clearly, many of you likely have some great ideas that would make the event enjoyable and safe for all.  Step forward and volunteer to be part of the group to plan this event!   

Another winter time tradition for our region is to hold a Planning Meeting.  During the meeting our various event Chairs present some potential events and venues.  All attendees are encouraged to build on the ideas to make the events even more fun and to add ideas  of other types of events, places to hold events.  The more ideas and input the better!  Different places and events would make for more vibrant activities and hopefully generate participation from the further reaches of our region. Of course we need some help to define and run the Planning Meeting too.  

So step up and volunteer to help with the Annual Membership/New Members Social or the Planning Meeting or both! 

To learn more or to volunteer, reach out to Reid Kuder, Gene Reed, or the Board member of your choice!  All that is needed is a little time and the desire to help your club. The club is run totally by volunteers and most of us jumped in with no experience at all and you can too!

A comment from the Blogger. Our first exposure to the club was at the annual planning meeting. It was a delightful and warming event, home cooking, sitting around the table with new and old friends, breaking bread, followed with a discussion of potential activities for the upcoming year with input from all. For you newbies out there, as soon as it is scheduled, put the Planning Meeting on your list of “must attend” events.


24 hours of Daytona – January 29th-30th.

Sebring – March 19th

Formula One – March 25th – Bahrain

Blue Ridge Region 2022 Activities – TBD


Formula One

Well, last week, I probably buried you on the Formula One season finale. What a race, what a season, what controversy. I have some more snippets for you.

The Final Lap (broadcast) Read

The Final Lap (side by side in car cameras) Read

Criticism on Sergio Perez for racing with Lewis Hamilton rather than yielding. Read

The Appeal Read

Hamilton may quit Formula One Read

Race Tracks

For those of you who have driven at Summit Point, you might enjoy this video about the changes that they have made to the main circuit. (Reid, pay close attention.) Read


Porsche has a new race car, the Mission R!

Porsche’s new Mission R Racecar. (hint – it is all electric) Read


David Hay reports that he had his 1962 Porsche generator repaired by Dominion Starter Company in Roanoke. It is always good to see quality work.

Hogan’s Corner

Hello from Dick Hatch, Welcome to cars ‘n coffee!

Porsche Gone Bad

Good Porsche Mechanic’s Start Young

And Finally