Blog 06/06/22


New Members

No new members this week.

Emails from Members

From time to time I get notes from members about the content of the blog. Last week,

Hi, Pete.

Thanks for all you do with the BRR blog.  I enjoyed reading about the RUKUS 22; however, I’d like to have known about it beforehand so I could have gone over and at least looked at all of the air-cooled cars (since I just have a water-cooled Cayman!).  Please let us know if this meeting returns next year.  I could be wrong, but I think the Greenbrier Concours also took place without any notice this year.  I heard about it afterwards from a BMW Car Club member.  

Hope to see you one of these days, depending on Covid (which is keeping us from attending any indoor events).   Bruce & Luci 

I plead guilty as charged. If this blog is going to be successful, it has to include a reminder of activities taking place within and outside the region. To do this I need your help. I have a link that Reid created that displays Blue Ridge Region activities on the Motorsport Reg site. I am adding a link to the PCA calendar.

But, his suggestion goes beyond this. Greenbrier Concours is an annual event not sponsored by any car club. RUKUS 22 is not even listed on the internet. It was put on by Rotor Supply, a private organization, invitation only. I got that article from Troy Smith. As it was, the pictures that Troy sent me slipped down below another article. A

Mick is well connected to the local Roanoke car scene. So, he knows what is happening locally. But there is Blacksburg, and Lynchburg and more.

So, the answer is YOU!. I can publish only what I know. So, it is up to you, as readers, to share when you hear about interesting upcoming events. JUST DROP ME A NOTE!! I will do the research and publish it in the blog. Meanwhile, I am adding some popular links below to help to keep you connected.


Blue Ridge Region PCA Events

Feb 8BRR-PCA Cars N Coffee & Planning Meeting - RoanokeThe Green GoatRegister
Mar 12BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Apr 9BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
May 14BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Jun 1BRR-PCA TRSS Volunteer Registration June 1st Salem Civic CenterRegister
Jun 11BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Jul 9BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Aug 13BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Sep 10BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Sep 14BRR-PCA TRSS Volunteer Registration Sept 14th Salem Civic CenterDetails
Oct 8BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails
Nov 12BRR-PCA Full Board MeetingBRR-PCA Location TBDDetails
Dec 10BRR-PCA Executive Board MeetingShakers Restaurant - RoanokeDetails

PCA Calendar

Porsche Related Links

BRR-PCA Charity Fun Run, Picnic & New Members’ Greeting Sat, Jun 25, 2022

Alright, time to get serious. Sign up NOW!

The Blue Ridge Region PCA will be having a members’ picnic at Smith Mountain Lake on Saturday, June 25th.  In addition to the picnic, there will be the opportunity to tour a local private car collection, make a donation to a local charity, and see other sites with a tour ending at the picnic.  This will also be a new members’ social, with special deals for those who have recently joined our region. 

The day will begin as we gather at the Food Lion parking lot, 14807 Moneta Rd in Moneta at 9:30am.  A Driver’s meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:45. At this time, we will also be gathering donation cash/checks for the Bedford Boys Tribute Center.  We will depart at approximately 10:00 and drive to the National D-Day Memorial parking lot.  Staff from the Bedford Boys Tribute Center will be meeting us there in order for us to present the donations in support of their mission.  The presentation will begin at approximately 11:00.  We will depart at 11:30 for a fun run to Smith Mountain Lake for the Newcomers’ Social/Picnic at the home of Jeff and Jennifer.  Those interested will also have an opportunity to tour a nearby private car collection, which includes Porsches, a Ferrari and an Amphi-Car, among other vehicles and memorabilia. 

SMF Road Rally

The SMF Road Rally took place last Saturday morning, with its Starting Line at Sandhills Community College and the Finish line at the SMF host hotel, the Pine Crest Inn. Rally participants enjoyed a 65 mile course through the Moore County and Sandhills area and they were provided with a list of questions to answer during their drive. The questions are designed to challenge the participants about landmarks, local flavor, and other items that are along the roadways of their morning adventure. Keen powers of observation are critical for Rally success!Yesterday about 60 people participated in the SMF Road Rally.

Eddie Fort reported: We left in waves of about 6 cars each and had to follow a set of directions and answer a series of questions along the way that were not in the order that we traveled! Overall I think Terri and I got about 16 of the 30 questions answered but since we knew that we couldn’t possibly win we just enjoyed the drive through the beautiful countryside.

Here are pictures of a few of the cars, some of which were from the 30’s!


Formula One

So, everyone knows who Michael Schumacher is.

One of the greatest all time race car driver. He retired after a fantastic career but tragically was injured in a skiing accident. In recent years, his son, Mick Schumacher, has been slowly progressing up the racing ladder and is now driving in F1. Unfortunately, he lacks the talent of his father and his most recent accident at Monaco shows his lack of natural ability. Lift Throttle Oversteer, something that all early 911 Porsche drivers are aware of, is likely the cause of this accident. You be the judge. Watch this video.

Glory Days

Hogan’s Corner

2017, one of our more scenic Cars ‘n Coffee events at Simply Suzanne’s in the Martinsville Airport.

Porsche Gone Bad

P is for Porsche

The Porsche Brand