About Us
Welcome to the website of the Blue Ridge Region of the Porsche Club of America (BRR-PCA) chartered in 1980. We have about 165 members. Our geographical center is around Roanoke, VA but our area extends south to the North Carolina line, into West Virginia, east to the city of Lynchburg, and north to the Shenandoah Region of PCA around Staunton and Waynesboro.
Our members own Porsches, of course, but we participate in the club because we like to drive them, keep them up, learn about them, talk about them, and promote them. In other words, about the only other people who can stand to be around us for very long are other Porsche owners who feel the same way. Actually, it’s not all about the cars; we seem to do as much eating and socializing as we do driving and talking cars.
Popular annual events include our planning brunch in January, Parade, Treffen, theIMSA races at VIR, new member/holiday party, and a monthly Cars ‘n Coffee. We schedule at least one event per month. You can click on Calendar on our Home page to see what else we have in store for this year.
Our region supports Porsche owners in counties located in southwest Virginia and eastern West Virginia counties. The boundaries are determined through PCA. We are bordered on the east by the First Settlers Region, on the north by the Shenandoah Region, on the west by the Wilderness Trail Region, Ohio Valley Region and on the north-northwest by the Allegheny Region.

- Alleghany
- Appomattox
- Bedford
- Bland
- Botetout
- Campbell
- Carroll
- Craig
- Floyd
- Franklin
- Giles
- Grayson
- Halifax
- Henry
- Montgomery
- Patrick
- Pittsylvania
- Pulaski
- Roanoke
- Smyth
- Tazewell
- Wythe
West Virginia
- Fayette
- Grant
- Greenbriar
- Hampshire
- Hardy
- McDowell
- Mercer
- Mineral
- Monroe
- Nicholas
- Pendleton
- Pocahontas
- Raleigh
- Randolph
- Summere
- Tucker
- Webster
- Wyoming
In January of 1980 a group of Porsche enthusiasts in the Roanoke area met at Rose Porsche Audi to discuss forming a region. Dave Shrader was elected President, and current members Caryl and Dick Hatch were chosen as Secretary and Historian respectively. BRR averaged gaining one new member every two and a half days for the first 90 days, and the first issue of the newsletter listed all 43 members.
On June 27, 1980, National PCA Secretary Norm Martin presented our region charter at a dinner at Hidden Valley Country Club. Jack Simmons was appointed chair of the Seal Committee, and the region adopted the design submitted by Claudia Snow for our letterhead and patch.
Elected officers for 1981 were President; John Ferguson, Vice president; Dick Hatch, Secretary; Frieda Sluder, Treasurer; Charlie Schleupner, Editor; Caryl Hatch, Activities; Dave Snow, Membership; Keith and Trish Rowe, and Social; Donna and Jack Simmons. The first by-laws for the region were drafted by Dave Shrader, Charlie Schleupner, Caryl Hatch, and Barney Rosalia.
In 1980-81 the region held several picnics, including one at the Peaks of Otter, a tour and overnighter at Virginia Beach, several rally schools and low key rally events, a wine and cheese party, dinners at La Maison and the Lynchburg Hilton, a dance at the Southampton Community Center, and a Corvette-Porsche Challenge Autocross.